Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nelson on Fathers and Sons

My younger brother Kenny is one of the best singer/songwriters I have heard.  I am not saying this because he's my brother, I am saying it because it's the truth.  Kenny used to be my "little" brother but  now we both agree on "younger" brother.  Like most little brothers, Kenny ranked high on the "pain in the %^&$" meter when we were growing up and as a result many Nelsonisms began to deal with fathers, sons and brothers.  Here are a few more of Nelson's thoughts.

"Lightning, lightning bug.  Only one word is different. Which one would you rather be hit by?  Little things do matter, son."
"My sons had a drug problem. I drug them to church. I drug them to school.  I drug them  everywhere they  needed to be."
"If someone says'you are just like your grandfather', you’re on the right track."

"The greatest compliment someone can give me is 'You’re your father’s son'."
"Take your little brother with you; he’s the only one you’ll ever have.  From the looks of it, he’s the only one you’ll ever need."
"Three and one half acres is not enough room for a horse." (Nelson, when I asked for a pony).
 "The dog pen is plenty big for a pony." (Nelson, when my little brother asked for a pony).

"My sons didn’t get their good looks from me, I still have mine."

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